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Preparing for your First Sesson

You can do a few simple things to make our first appointment more successful.

Get Your Supplies Ready

Please have contractor bags on hand: They can be found at hardware stores or on amazon, here.

Save boxes & bags for a few weeks: If we'll be doing books or kimono please try to save cardboard boxes and plastic bags so that we can use them for packing heavier books and fragile items for donation.

Get Yourself Ready

Eat a nice big breakfast: We'll be working hard for 3-5 hours, with short breaks as needed, so make sure you have the energy you need.  I'll bring snacks for myself, so no need to worry about me.

No need to clean up!  It's helpful for me to see your space in its "natural state" so that you can help me clearly see what's working and what's not.

Reduce potential distractions: Figuring out what "sparks joy" takes a lot of focus.  Make sure that you have a window of time without phone calls, interruptions, etc. so that we can make the most of your time.

Set aside your unmentionables: If there are items that are particularly delicate or private, feel free to set them aside in a private place. 

Gather your clothing: Typically, our first category will be clothing.  Especially if you store clothing in multiple locations, collect all of your clothing items in one place where they can be sorted and "joy checked."  

Take a deep breath: You are at the start of a life-changing journey.  You are going to get organized and stay organized. You will see results right away and you will NOT get stuck.  Do not be embarrassed of your clutter.  Trust me, when I tell you that I love doing this and I will not judge you.  I will guide you through the process, but but this is your space and you will make the ultimate decisions - trust your instincts! I will keep you on track and I promise, we will actually make decluttering, FUN!

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